Saturday, February 26, 2011

getting unstuck
is exhausting
lub dub lub dub lub dub

but if i stop now
it may just settle

slowly tumbling
then gathering
in careless piles
at the bottom

a slow-motion
pinball game

i keep slamming
the sides trying
to flip upwards

but inescapably
it all slides through
the center and i'm back
where i started

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Amazing Live Sea-Monkeys Ocean-Zoo

but when will you 
thaw me out? 

curbed life processes
without termination

you call it
suspended animation

i call it

Thursday, February 10, 2011

yes, you

i like this song 
far too much 
to know the lyrics
for once everything 
becomes clear 
it loses its power 
something about bohemian
dancing perfect 
nipples and
passing out in 
your garden
we've been magnetized
for years and
i refuse to stop
losing myself 
in your infinite charm

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

sadness broadcast
thin lines connect
zig then zag
small fuzzy shocks
nag your shoulders
pesky gnats
coax them off
with your smooth
dance moves
michael michael
i'll change my hair
but inside i'll stay 
the same
i want to bless you.
do you think god
would mind?
little mouse sneezes
and sighs
come from you.
you in your
high-waisted sweatpants.