Thursday, September 27, 2012

playing with double dactyls

higgledy piggledy
symphony melody
berberine valentine
cautiously hot

busted yolks

busted yolks at the Hi Life—coffee black
yearning to eventually be friends
fingers numb—winds slice
unapologetically through to bone

five months later I walk your dog
it feels strange to be in your apartment

you still display that painting—
that one of the bicycle we made
on my birthday

but now it is accompanied by
a new painting—
something more abstract—messier

I did not stare at it long.

Friday, September 21, 2012

one week ago

her eyes
were achingly transparent
sheer curtain of tears
tried to conceal
simultaneous fear
of being destroyed
and her calculated 
to do so

Thursday, September 20, 2012

new old flame

the ones you're in
well they are big
burn the brightest

flare up
but extinguish quickly

scorched moths

my apartment
has a tiny hammer
at the end
of a chain

to break the glass
in these kinds
of emergencies


the toes of my shoes
are lucky

they are the first to graze
the fallen leaves

on my walk
to the record store

at first I am molasses
honey wax

savoring the cutting
crinkled air

swirling it against the inside
of my cheek

thoughts of summers
past holding the small of my back

eventually I reach
said record store

the owner strolls
out from the back

bits of pretzels hissing
through his teeth


i'm ready to
this conversation


skin merges
with the black trampoline

you look up
towards the stars

that stain the sky
you tell her just the threads

artistic license—but

it doesn't really matter
she will weave

her own stories now
whispering them back

like a twisted game
of telephone

Thursday, September 13, 2012


splintered clavicle
shards of bone
flaked off

like chipped porcelain
and strewn across
the ocean like ashes

into denim saltwater
echoed by stars