Tuesday, September 28, 2010

blue-winged bird

blue-winged bird
spanned, blanketing the ocean
miles away 
a speck—a mini silver ship
fills with seawater 
as the rain spills down
bath shower

your eyes may be beady
but they are not small
i dove into them once
though i never properly learned how

as we picnicked, 
blades of green between
our toes, i listened intently
to your stories and 
passed you the jam

you made me promise
cross my heart and 
hope to die
that i would visit you 
in ever foreign country
you pushed me towards

i ached on that train
47 km to go
as the toddler in the next
row stuffed zoo animals 
into his already bursting 
cheeks as if he was
anticipating winter

just when i think i've
finally figured you out 
you crack open the latest
russian doll
revealing a more petite, 
ornate version
of yourself

i used to dream 
of fucking it all up
now i dream of 
holding it all 
though my grip 
isn't what it used to be

so farewell majestic
creature soar
on your way
they're expecting you

remember to always 
bring a gift
or at least leave
a thank-you note 
when you depart

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